Product photography for Adirondack Ice Cream featured on the Fresh Direct landing page.

Headshot photography for Jen Berkley, NYC Council candidate.

Event photography from the Collaborators' Party used for an article on the Lighting & Sound America website.

Editorial header image for the "Philosophy" page of the Elements Preschool website.

Cover page and selected presenter bio images from conference photography images from Dance/NYC event report book.

Board member photo for Prospect Theater website.

Editorial image for "Contact" page on McAdams Law website.

Headshot photography for "About" page on McAdams Law website.

Editorial header image for the landing page of the Katona & Mir website.

Headshot photography on the "About" page for the Katona & Mir website.

Slideshow of conference photography used for National Association of Musical Theater's Event page.

Product photography on Redbook website for Adirondack Ice Cream.